ALOB, Vol. X #6, p. 89-56:
“p. 161. 17 May 1853.. I, Sarah Young, residing on the waters of North Hominy Creek. Being of sound mind & memory but of feeble health. First I desire that my body be buried by the side of my husband Thomas Young, in a plain & decent manner & the expenses to be paid from my estate. I will to my son Tinsly one dollar, I will to my son Pleasant one dollar, I will to my son Joseph one dollar, I will to my beloved dtr. Mary the wife Henry Young one dollar, to be paid out of my personal estate within twelve months after my death. I will to my beloved dtr. Margaret Young the land on which I now live, it being the land allotted to me by my decd. husband, also to the said Margaret Young all my bed & furniture, wearing apparel, cupboard & kitchen furniture with all other furniture. Also all tools, cattle, hogs, sheep and all other property of every description, after my decease and just debts are paid.
I appoint James B. Gudger as my executor.
Wit: Benjamin J.Curtis, Juret & Margaret Neal..
Signed Sarah X Young…”
Young, Sarah
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