ALOB, Vol. XI #6, pp. 90-53 & 90-54:
“p. 221. 13 March 1863.. Camp Fisher, N.C.
Dear Brother
I presume the ball is in motion, I was up all night moving about to fix up to give the enemy the best I could fix up for him. At 5 o’clock we learned positively that the enemy was just below our lowest Battery. It is now near 8’clock[sic] and the enemy is not yet in sight but we hear the firing of cannon supposed to be on Creatin Battery. Badly prepared as we are I see there is not much inclination to surrender or retreat on the part of our leaders or men. I have just sent off Mira and the two Captains wives 18 miles in the country where she will be safe I presume. I want you to do for me the very best you can wheather[sic] living or dead if the latter I want Mira to have and hold all I possess in my own & her right during her life remainder to our little neice[sic] Mira but always subject to my disposition she may want to make of any of our negroes particularly her own or those her father own did own and their offsprings now or hereafter. I want no negroes sold except for a fault to be judged of by her or you. I give you the right to sell all my property to pay my debts or for any other purpose. I expect both the Miras to be liberal in any event to all and other relative and especially my several sisters. You may think from my business way of writing that I am excited. I am not nor will I be. I am in a hurry because the boy is waiting and I fear the mail will leave us. The increased roar of cannon since I began writing warns me too that I must be among our men. My affectionate regards to all and very especially to our aged parents.
N.W. Woodfin, Esqr. Asheville, NC.
I am affectionally[sic] Yours. J.W. Woodfin..
For probate of above will see Minute Docket Court Pleas & Quarter Sessions. Nov. Term 1863, page 214…. NOT ABSTRACTED.”
Woodfin, J. W.
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