Tag: Buncombe County genealogy

“Alexander Chapel Baptist Church and Cemetery, Leicester, NC”

TOPIC – “Alexander Chapel Baptist Church and Cemetery, Leicester, NC” SPEAKER – Annette Coleman Annette Coleman, Leicester native and caretaker of Alexander Chapel Baptist Church, will share the history of this church and its legacy in the area.  The Alexander Chapel Baptist Church and Cemetery, located at #39 Short Sluder Branch Road (off of Alexander …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.obcgs.com/event/alexander-baptist-church-and-cemetery/

OBCGS Annual Membership Meeting

OBCGS Annual Membership Meeting Schedule: Held online on Zoom at 1:00 pm EDT on Saturday, 23 November 2024. Join us to hear about the previous year’s accomplishments and upcoming Society activities. This is also the chance for the Society to honor those who have accomplished something special in the past year such as publishing a …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.obcgs.com/event/annual-membership-meeting/

DNA Working Group Meeting via Zoom

OBCGS formed a working group on DNA over three years ago and they continue to meet on the first Saturday of each month. It does not matter what level of understanding you have about DNA – you can join us to learn more! We are in the mode of sharing and discovering more about how …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.obcgs.com/event/dna-group-discussion/

Articles are Due for May Issue of ALOB

If you have an article or announcement you want to place in the upcoming  issue of A Lot of Bunkum (ALOB), please submit it to info @ obcgs .com. A LOT OF BUNKUM (ALOB) is the official publication of OBCGS and is issued quarterly. If you want previous issues, early issues through 2016 are available …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.obcgs.com/event/articles-are-due-for-may-issue-of-alob/