Return to First Families of Old Buncombe

Proven Ancestors

First Families Proven Ancestors

The following persons are proven ancestors with descendants who have been accepted as members of First Families of Old Buncombe under the following individuals:

Thomas Henry Abel

James Alexander

Robert Anderson

John Ashworth

Wesley Banks

Col. Joseph “Job” Barnard

John Bennett

Adam Biffle/Buffel

James Boyd

Robert Houston Brank

Solomon Briggman

James Brittain, (Jr., Sr., or II; b. 1750-55 in VA;  d. abt. 1831 in Henderson Co., NC; wife was Deliliah)

William Brittain

Benjamin Brookshire

James Holmes Bryson

William M. Bryson  (b. ca 1758 in PA; d. 1817 in Bunc/Hend Co., NC; wife was Susanna Bogle)

Gen. Edward Burleson

James Burleson

Canagatoga, Old Hop

Zachariah Moorman Candler

William Capps

John Case, Sr.

Thomas Case

Capt. George M. Cathy

William Cathey (1777-1864; wife was Catherine Turner; proven 2002)

William Cathey (bef. 1755-1812; wife was Rebecca (-?-); proven 2017)

Elihu William Chambers

James Chambers

John Chambers

Jane Claypoole

Lambert Clayton

Ann Cole

David Cole

Matthew Cole

Rachel Thrash Cole

Adam Cooper

Adam Cowan (Cowen)

James Craig

George Cunningham

Humphrey Cunningham

Col. William Lee Davidson

Maj. William Davidson

Uriah Davis  (b. 1740 in MD;  d. 1808 in Bunc. Co., NC; wife was Elizabeth (-?-))

William John Dever/Deaver

Absalom Dillingham

Adam Dinsmore/Dunsmore

Ann Edmon

Asa Quincey Edney

Samuel Edney

John Jackson Edwards, Sr.

John Jacob Eller, Jr. (b. ca 1754-55 in PA; d. UNK; wife was Mary Biffle)  (Sr. Found in Rowan Co. Wills in 1782)

William Erwin

Capt. William C. Fletcher, Jr.

Samuel Forgay

Col. Thomas Foster (b. 1774 in VA; d. Dec 1858 in Bunc., NC; buried in Newton Academy Cem; s/o William Jr, II, below, and brother of William III, below)

William Foster/Forster/ Forrester Jr., or II  (b. 31 Mar 1748 Ireland; d. 02 Apr 1830 in Bunc. Co, NC; buried in Newton Academy Cem.;  Md. Elizabeth Heath ca. 1771 in VA)

William Foster III, (b. 1776 in VA; d. May 1826 in Bunc. Co., NC; buried in Newton Academy Cem.; wife was Fannie Lucinda Ballew)

Martin Alley Gash

John Gillaspie

Epaphroditus Gilliam

Denise DeCrease Green

Henry Griggs

William Gudger

Phillip Guice

George Hall

Benjamin Hawkins

James Hawkins

John Hawkins

John Hays/Hayes

Capt. Thomas Hemphill

Sgt. Henry Harry Hensley

Phillip Gysberti Hoodenpyle

Sookie Granny Hopper

Zephaniah Horton

William Hunter

Shadrack Hyatt

Daniel Jarrett, Sr. (b. Dec 1747 in PA; d. Feb 1822 in Bunc. Co., NC; wife was Mary Catherine Moyer)

James Johnson/Johnston

John Jones, Sr.

Joshua Jones

Thomas Pleasants Jordan

John Justice/Justus

Reuben Keith, Sr.

Daniel Killian, Sr.

Joseph Milton Kilpatrick

Samuel King, Sr.

Abraham Kuykendall

William Kyle

John Lance, Sr. (b. ca 1758 in SC; d. ca 1820 in Bunc. Co., NC; wife was Mary (-?-))

John Lance, Jr. (b. 1787;  d. (-?-); wife was Sarah Ann (-?-))

Peter Lance

Barney Landers

John “Pioneer” Lanning, Sr. (b. Feb 1757 in NJ; d. Aug 1839 in Bunc. Co., NC; Md. Sarah Whitaker in Rowan Co., NC)

William Lawson

Edward Leatherwood

William Lusk

Andrew Lyda

Martin Maney

James McBrayer

Samuel McBrayer, Sr.

Samuel McBrayer, Jr.

John David McCarson, Sr.

Malcom McCourry

Alexander McDaniel

Jane Gurley Meehan

John Merrell

Absalom Abraham Metcalf

Mary “Polly” Mills

William Henry Mills, Jr.

William Mills

William Hamilton Moore

Abner Mullins

Samuel Murray, Sr.

Mary Newman

John Orr

Jeremiah Osborn, Sr. (b. ca 1734 in VA; d. 1805/06 in KY or OH; Md. Mary “Polly” Newman ca 1759 in Old Augusta Co., VA)

Jeremiah Osborne, Jr. (b. 1772 in VA; d. 1812/13 in Bunc. Co., NC; (Mud Ck present Henderson Co., NC); wife was Anne Blyth; s/o Jeremiah Sr. even though surname spelled differently)

John Osborn

Soloman Osteen

Mosbey Owen

Jesse Owens

Edmund Palmer

George Patton

Col. John D. Patton

Robert Patton

Thomas Patton

Charles Phillips

Thomas L. Ray, Sr.

James “Jim” Reeves

Abraham Reynolds

Joseph Marion Rice, Sr.

William Rice

John Roberts, Sr.

Robert Gaines Roberts, Sr.

William Robeson

Hugh Rogers

Robert Rogers

Henry Roland

Matthew Russell, Jr.

Edmund Sams

John Sams

James Scott

David Shelton

Roderick Shelton

Jacob Shipman

Jacob Shook

Capt./Col. Daniel Smith (b. 1757 in NJ; d. 17 May 1824 in Bunc. Co., NC; Md. Elizabeth Davidson in 1781 in Rowan Co., NC)

Samuel Smith

James Stepp

James Stringfield, Sr.

Richard Sumner

Samuel Taylor

John Thomas, Jr.

Nathan Thompson

Valentine Thrash

William Treadway, Jr.

Capt./Col. David Vance, Sr. (b. 1745 in Fred. Co., VA; d. 1813 in Bunc. Co., NC; Md. Priscilla Brank in Sept. 1775 in Rowan Co., NC)

James Warren

John Weaver

John Wells

Robert Wells

Jeremiah West

Joshua Whitaker, Jr.

William Whitaker/Whitteker

Charles Williamson, Sr.

Elizabeth “Betsy” Davis Wilson

Joseph Richard Wilson

James Witherow

Ann Wood

James Wood

William Young

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