Rhodarmer, Jessie Oscar Family Bible

In 1988, the Jessie Oscar Rhodarmer Family Bible was in the possession of: Mrs. Joseph H. (Celestine) Rhodarmer“BIRTHS.
J.E. Rhodarmer was born Feb 25, 1851
Lucinda E. Rhodarmer was born Aug 22, 1831
J.O. Rhodarmer was born Dec 9, 1878
J.T. Rhodarmer was born March 29, 1872
Hazel May Rhodarmer was born Apr 5th 1901
Nancy Ruth Rhodarmer was born Dec 2 1904
Jack Oscar Rhodarmer was born Nov. 11 1907
Walter Haynes Rhodarmer was born July 29, 1910
Joseph Humphrey Rhodarmer was born Nov 14 1921

J.O. Rhodarmer was married Sept 30, 1899 to Mattie Haynes
Hazel May Rhodarmer was married Nov. 12. 1916 to Wiley Snyder
Nancy Ruth Rhodarmer was married Aug 12, 1925 to Loyd Justice
Walter Haynes Rhodarmer was married April 30, 1932 to Wilma Pless
Jack Oscar Rhodarmer was married Jan. 1936 to Emma Herring
Joseph Humphrey Rhodarmer was married July 31, 1943, to Louise Smith
Joseph Humphrey Rhodarmer was married May 5, 1951 to Celestine Presley

J.E. Rhodarmer died Oct 28, 1899
Lucinda E. Rhodarmer died Nov. 3 1899
Laura Swanger died Sept 15, 1913
J.O. Rhodarmer died July 23, 1934
Mattie Haynes Rhodarmer died Feb 24 1958
Jack Oscar Rhodarmer died August 13, 1971
Walter Haynes Rhodarmer died September 27, 1974
Joseph Humphrey Rhodarmer died July 12, 1978
Hazel May Rhodarmer Snyder died April 5, 1983
Nancy Ruth Rhodarmer Justice died October 26, 1983″

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