ALOB, Vol. VIII #9, p. 87-130:
“p. 87. 19 July 1833.. I, Bradly Powers, being well in health and in perfect mind and memory. I leave unto my well beloved wife Sarah Powers all my household goods & furniture and moveable effects with horses, cattle and hoggs[sic] during her natural life or widowhood, at her death to be divided between my three sons and two dtrs. I give unto my son William Powers all the land I possess on the East side of Whits Creek, I give unto my son Alexander Powers all my lands lying on the West side of Whitson’s Creek during their natural life then to their heirs of their body.
I appoint Joseph Miller James James my two son-in-law executors..
Wit; Addam Phillips, Jacob Miller.
Signed.. Bradly Powers..
Oct. Term 1842.. The foregoing will was roven in open court on the oath of James Brevard… Signed N. Harrison, Clk.”
Powers, Bradly
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