Porter, William

from ALOB, vol. VIII #4, p. 87-54:
“p. 38.  October session 1835..  I, William Porter of Rutherford Co., N.C. being in a reasonable state of health and perfect mind & memory.  I desire that my body to be buried in a decent Christian manner at the discretion of my youngest son Merret Porter.  after my decease and the decease of my beloved wife, also all my just debts are paid, I will & give unto my youngest son Merret Porter all my possession of every kind whatsoever forever..  dated this 26 jan. 1829.  (executor not named) 
wit:  john Livingston, Senr. & John Livingston, Jr. 
signed William Porter.. 
proved in open court on oath of John Livingston, Jr.  signed, John Miller, clerk..  by J. B. Whiteside, D.C…”

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