LT. SAMUEL PATTON – Born about 1760 at Cold Water Creek in Rowan Co., NC. Enlisted there under Cap. Lopp, Lieut. John McGahay, Gen. Griffin, Rutherford and was marched to Orangeburg, SC then to Augusta, GA, then to Briar Creek Battle under General Ashe where they were defeated. He enlisted again under Capt. Robert Patton (relationship not given), and Gen. Charles McDowell and was in the Battle of Monks Corners, SC, Ramsours Mills, etc. He also served three months under Capt. Daniel Smith in upper forts in Burke Co., NC on the Catawba River and served against the Cherokees.
He enlisted as a Lieutenant in Burke Co., NC under Captain Thomas Lytle and Gen. Charles McDowell and marched into the Cherokee nation which took two weeks. He also served as an Indian scout in Burke County. He moved to Burke County during the war and lived there until 1819 when he moved to Buncombe County, NC where he and his wife were living in 1850 and where he died December 19. 1851.
His wife was named Ann who was born in 1768 in Virginia. They had the following children: William, John, Thomas, James, Sarah, Margaret who married Hugh Lawhoun, Naomi who married Peter Stradley, Elizabeth who married James Stradley and Nancy who married Calvin Fore.
His pension papers were witnessed by William Brittain (soldier), James M. Smith, Samuel W. Davidson, and William Kimsey (clergyman). In 1832 he was living in Buncombe County age 75 years; 1840 age 79. [See Samuel Patton family of Buncombe County.
The Pension Hearing for Samuel Patton
The elderly country gentleman stepped off the wagon as his son tied the horses to the hitching post in front of the county court house. He was dressed in his Sunday best, clothes which were well worn and sagged on his thin frame. His eyes were remarkable, a clear sky blue that had a youthful gleam that made him seem much younger than his years. He walked steadily on a hickory cane which he had whittled himself from a branch found by the banks of the Catawba on his farm.
The gentleman called to his son “James, hurry up now or we’ll be late for court, and you know them judges don’t like people to be late. And this is the last time I’ll be talking to these folk God willing. It’s been more than 50 years and I still ain’t received my war pension liked they promised me after it was cut off the last time.”
The courtroom was empty save the two men and the three witnesses that accompanied them, as it was July 4th and most of the town was gathered in the main square celebrating the countries’ Independence 60 years earlier.
Three jurors presided in the courtroom and they looked up as the party entered the room. A baliff spoke to the elderly gentlemen, then walked to the jurors and handed them a document. The judges considered the party a moment and then the eldest of them spoke.
“Mr. Samuel Patton?”
“Yes, sir. That’s me” the elderly gentleman replied. “I understand that you are here today on this day July 4, 1836
to have a second review of your pension which you claim from service rendered to the United States during the War of Independence to obtain the benefits enacted by the Act of Congress June 7th, 1832?”
“Yes sir. That’s right. I have brought with me several witnesses Sir, who will testify to my character and can tell you that what I have told about my service is all true.”
“Well Mr. Patton. This is somewhat a dificult case as your previous benefits were cut off 10 years ago by the War Department and no official records of your enlistment in the North Carolina Militia seem to exist. Can you provide us some evidence that will assist us in this matter?”
“Sir, the best evidence I can give is my recollections of the battles and officers I served under and the events I witnessed. So I believe it’s best if I tell you my story and let you judge it.” |