Patton, Ann

ALOB, Vol. X #7, p. 89-68:
“p. 168.  3 June 1854..  I, Ann Patton, being of sound mind & memory.  First I will & bequeath to my grandson John D. Patton two negroes Augustus about 25 years of age and Frank about 17 years of age.  I will & bequeath that all the balance of the property which I may have at my death be sold by my executors, and the proceeds after paying my just debts & funeral charges to be divided unto twelve equal parts and be given to the children or their heirs.  One part to my dtr. Hannah Lowrey..  One part to the chn. of my dtr. Elizabeth Jarrett, decd.  One part to the chn. of Mallory G. Patton, decd.  One part to the chn. of my dtr. Sarah Jarrett, decd.  One part to the chn. of my dtr. Polly Smith, decd.  One part to the chn. of my dtr. Harriet D. Siler and one part for my son Robert H. Patton.  One part to the chn. of my son Fidelis Patton decd.  One part to my dtr. Lucinda Roberts.  One part to my son Lorenzo D. Patton.  One part to my son Montraville Patton and the other part to the chn. of my dtr. Ann A. Weaver, decd.  Should any of my children now living should die during my life time, their chn. to take their part except my son Lorenzo D. Patton should he die during my life, I desire that his son John D. Patton take nothing more than which I gave him in item #1..
I appoint Joshua Roberts & Monteville Patton as executors.
Wit:  G.W. Wilson & W.F. Roberts.
Signed Ann X Patton..
Court of Pleas & Quarter sessions Oct. term 1855.   Proved by the oath of G.W. Wilson in open court see[sic], minutes of Fall Term 1855.  R.B. Vance, clk…”

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