Morrison, John

from ALOB, Vol. VII #2, p. 86-14:
“p. 29.  April Session 1834..  13 Jan. 1834.  John Morrison, being of sound and perfect mind & memory.  First I give unto my beloved wife Elizabeth the tract of land on which I now live with the improvements from the black oak corner on the Rutherford side of the ridge.  I give her this land during her lifetime and after her death I will the said land to my son Jessey and his heirs to have the privilege of working said land, is to support his mother and Elizabeth and Mary and Rachel are to live (with) their mother while they live single.  I give my wife one bed & furniture, one mare, saddle & bridle, three cows, and the cooking utensils, two sheep, what hogs I have.
I give my charley Horse to my sons James & Isaac.
I give my two year horse to my son Daniel.
I give my waggon[sic] to my sons William and Jessey and John and my wife.
I give my son John a tract of land begining[sic] at the fork of the Boodtree Branch, then along Merrel line to Shelton line North 130 poles.
I leave my farming tools for the use of the farm.  I give my son John my young horse named Flag, my son John to live with his mother until he comes of age or marry.
I give to my dtr. Marget one two year old heifer.  I give my dtr. Agnes___??
Two oldest dtrs. Cintha Maxwell and Elizabeth Maxwell one young heifer each.
I give my son William one cow & calf.  I give my three dtrs. that are now single the bed and furniture they claim.
I appoint my friend Joseph Lannon executor.. 
Wit; Samuel Edney & William Morrison.. 
Proved on oath of William Morrison & recorded..  William Lanning the executor was duly qualified in open Court this 22 Apr. 1834.”

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