Morgan, James

ALOB, Vol. X #7, p. 89-67:
“p. 165.  25 Feb. 1853..  I, James Morgan, residing on the Reedy Branch of South Hominy Creek & being of sound mind and memory & that death is certain, I do make this as my last will.  I give and bequeath in the following manner.  First I desire that my executor and family bury me in a plain & decent manner by the side of my wife in what is now called the Miller Grave Yard & my executor pay all my lawful debts that I may owe at my decease from the money on hand.  I will & desire that my three youngest sons & one dtr. that is Elijah Morgan, Stephen Morgan & John Gane Morgan and Polly Morgan their sister all the land that I now posses or may have at my decease to be equally divided among them, that is my three sons & my daughter.  Also I desire that my farming tools be divided amongst my three sons at my decease.  “I desire that my little granddaughter Martha Morgan dtr. of Maris G. Morgan that I received from a child to hold an equal in the personal estate at my decease with my little property that her grandmother left her at her death.”  I will & desire that the rest of my personal property that has not been mentioned in this will to go to the children before mentioned, such as cattle, horses, hogs & sheep with the other property to be equally divided.
I appoint my sons Elijah & Stephens Morgan as my executors.
Wit:  E. Morgan, S.D. Clark & P.D. Morgan.
Signed James Morgan….”

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