Morgan, J. W.

State of North Carolina
Pitt County
I, J. W. Morgan of Greenville, Pitt Co., North Carolina, being of sound mind and memory and recognizing the uncertainty of my earthly existence, do hereby make publish and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner following, that is to say … to my sister, Bernice Morgan of Asheville, NC … to my sister Annie T. Morgan of Asheville, NC … to my beloved mother, Bettie A. Morgan of Asheville, NC … to my beloved wife, Mamie L. Morgan.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this the 20th day of April 1898.
Witnessed by: H. W. Whedbee
Sallie Lipscomb
This probate shall be duly probated and recorded, done at this off ice on this 2nd day of August 1902.
Marcus Erwin
CSC Buncombe County, North Carolina

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