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Government Records

Abstracts of Court Records of Bryan Co., GA 1792-1828

This valuable resource was scanned from an over-sized book to 8 1/2″ x 11″ size to better fit the OBCGS Library shelf. An index was added to make this electronic version more useful. If you ancestors were involved in this county found south of Savannah, GA, take a look to see if they are present in these records.

Formation of Buncombe Co., NC

These pages provide a summary of the formation of Buncombe Co., NC with dates and distribution of land from other counties providing helpful information if you are looking for ancestors who were present in the early 1790s when Buncombe was formed.

JP Docket for Buncombe County 1911-1925

This JP Docket book was found in a local home and was donated to the OBCGS Library. We scanned it and made it available for research. It contains actions taken by the Justice of the Peace in the Upper Hominy Valley area. Local people living there in those years are mentioned. The book is composed of records in handwriting and we added an index. 

Missing Names in Haywood Co 1810 Census

The first page and part of the second page of this Western North Carolina 1810 Census are illegible on the microfilm available to the public, including and This document lists the names of the people obscured on those first two pages – see if your ancestor appears here!

Surnames Listed in the 1790 US Census by State

This document will make it easy to find the surnames of your ancestors who were living in America in 1790.



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