Regional History and Genealogy Library

The Old Buncombe County Genealogical Society maintains one of the most extensive genealogical libraries  with over 10,000 volumes, local research collections, vertical files and electronic resources. Managed completely by volunteers, the Regional History and Genealogy Library is open Tues-Sat from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm.  At least one docent will be present who has been trained to provide personal research assistance to all visitors.

If you want to visit the library for research, get prepared ahead of time. Click on the card catalog under “Library” and search for your family surnames to see what is available. Our books, family history files, periodicals and special collections are searchable in our Card Catalog. You can print your list and bring it with you when you visit and the docent can help you find the listings of interest.

Click here to use our Card Catalog Table

We look forward to seeing you!

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