Jones, Wiley W.

ALOB, Vol. XI #6, p. 90-54:
“p. 222.  15 Dec. 1863..  The last will of Wiley W. Jones of Buncombe Co.  I direst[sic] my executor and executrix to pay all my debts due and owing from me.  I direct that my wife live upon the home place and keep together my children and all my personal property whatsoever, including money, right and credits for the support of herself and the children and to educate my children in a manner suitable to their condition in life, until my eldest son Charles Bascomb shall be to the age of twenty-one years of age.  But should he not live to that age a division of the property to take place at the time had he lived til then.  I vest in my executor and executrix full power & legal title to the home place and all my personal property of every kind to sell any portion of said property or all of it and turn the same into other property or cash..  When my son Charles Bascomb come of age or would have come of age had he lived, I direct that my home stead place (I mean the place or tract of land whereon I now live on Hominy Creek and its waters) shall be divided into two equal parts, to be made by two free holders to be appointed by my executor Robert A. Murry if living, if not by the County Court of Buncombe County, my wife to have the homestead tract, with the other half to be sold and proceeds of said sale to be equally divided among my children.. I direct that the partnership business between myself & my brother A.H. Jones shall be closed up according to law and the net profit shall be put in the hands of my executor & executrix to support and educate my children..  I deem it proper to state here, that my brother A.H. Jones has paid me, as I hold his note for my part of the store house in Hendersonville, occupied by us and also for my part of the tract of land on Mud Creek which we cultivate jointly..
I appoint my friend and Brother-in-law Robert A. Murry and my
beloved wife Caroline C. Jones as executor and executrix.
Wit:  Charles Moore, A.B. Jones & A.S. Merroman..
Signed Wiley W. Jones..
Probate Feb. Term 1864…”

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