Johnson, Nathan A and Nancy Sams

Descendants of Nathan A. JOHNSON and Nancy SAMS
Rich Nallenweg
1. Nathan A. Johnson , born abt. 1832 in , NC. He married Nancy Sams, born abt. 1826 in , NC.Notes for Nathan A. JOHNSON: CENSUS: 1850 US Census, Buncombe Co, NC, family #926, Johnson, N.A., 18 years old, laborer, born in NC, wife Nancy, age 24, and daughter Martha, age
1 month. 1860 Census, cannot find Nathan or Nancy in Madison or Buncombe Co. 1870 US Census, Madison Co, NC, tape #1147, page 11, Nancy Johnson and 7 children. Nathan is not listed with his family. However, there are 7 Nathan Johnson’s listed in the 1870 KY census (31 Dec 1996 log).
1880 US Census, Boyle Co, KY, ED 10, sheet 18, ln 36, lists Nathan A. Johnson, age 48, b NC. He is married to Francis and has 7 kids, ages 13 to 1. There are 10 other Nathan Johnsons in this KY census, but none with a NC birth. 1890 Veteran’s Census, Boyle Co, KY, supervisor’s district. #6, ED #13, page 1, lists Nathan A. Johnson, who enlisted in Co C of the 2nd NC infantry 26 Sep 1863 and was discharged 16 Aug 1865. He was living in Mitchellsburg and suffered from rheumatism. This is the only Nathan Johnson listed in KY in this census. 1900 US Census, Whitley Co, KY, ED 137, sheet 8, ln 35, Nathan A Johnson, b Apr 1832 in NC, married to Eliza.??? CORRESPONDENCE: According to letter from Annie Mae Johnson Machin dated 26 Jan 1979, Nathan Johnson left his family, moved to KY, and had another family there. This fits in with the census information listed above. ‘Do not know how many children they had. Only know my grandfather. His name was Nathen Johnson. He married a Sams from Rims Creek. They had five children, 3 boys and 2 girls. Boys’ names were: James Leonard Johnson, my father; William; Jack. Girls were Sarah and Jane.’ MILITARY: ‘Roster of NC Troops, Vol. 4’ by Moore, @ Macon Co, NC library, N. A. Johnson is listed as enlisting 22 July 1862 in Madison Co., NC, in Co. F of the 64th regiment (Confederate). Note: ‘The Consolidated Index to Confederate. Civil War Records (@ ACPL), shows him in Co. G of 64th reg. as a private. ‘NC Troops 1861-1865, Vol. II’, Co A, 5th battalion NC cavalry, lists Private Nathaniel Johnson ‘Enlisted in Madison Co 31 May 1862 for the war. Reported on mustering roll dated Marshall, NC, 15 Jun 1862. No further records.’ ‘Bushwackers! The Civil War in NC, Vol. II, The Mountains’, by William R. Trotter does an excellent job of describing what life was like in ‘Bloody’ Madison County during the civil war. QUERY: ‘A Lot of Bunkum’, May 1996, Vol. 17, No. 2, pg 51 DEATH: ‘Boyle Co, KY cemetery records 1792-1992’, @ACPL, in Hillcrest cemetery, Perryville, ‘Johnson, Frances N. b 26 Nov 1844, d 25 Nov 1899, wife of N.A. Johnson’
Notes for Nancy SAMS: CENSUS: 1870 US Census, Madison County, NC, Twp #1, Marshall, family #69. Note that this is only a few households away from mother-in-law Martha Nancy Sams (family #77). MARRIAGE: According to letter from Annie Mae Johnson Machin dated 26 Jan 1979, Nathan Johnson married a Sams from Rims Creek. Reems Creek rises in NE Buncombe Co near Snowball Mountain and flows west into the French Broad River. The name also appears in local records as Rims, Reams, and Rheims Creek. Nathan Johnson left his family, moved to KY, and had another family.
Children of Nathan A. JOHNSON and Nancy SAMS were as follows:

  1. Martha J. Johnson , born abt. 1849 in Buncombe, NC.
  2. James Leonard Johnson, born 11 May 1851 in , Madison, NC. He married Harriett Samantha Wardrep.
  3. Jane Johnson, born abt. 1853 in , NC. She married on 27 Sep 1874 in Madison, NC, James Marrow, born abt. 1853 in NC; died bef. 1920. CENSUS: 1880 US Census, Madison Co, NC, ED #123, page 11, #97-98. No children. Wm. Johnson (Jane’s brother, age 19) is a work hand. 1920 US Census, Madison County, NC, Marshall Twp, T625, roll 1294, E.D. 119, sheet 4A, line 41, occupation: farmer. Widowed aunt, Jane Marrow, age 71 is living with the C.F. Johnson family. MARRIAGE: Madison Co, NC Marriage Register
  4. Alford A. Johnson, born abt. 1856 in , NC. MARRIAGE: Madison Co, NC Marriage Register gives a marriage between A.A. Johnson (age 49) and Minnie Underwood (age 23). Date of license and marriage 30 Mar 1903. Not sure if this is Alford A., but it is a good fit. CENSUS: 1910 US Census, Madison Co, NC, ED #80, #328. Not sure if correct person, but a good fit. Alfred A. Johnson, age 56, wife Debby, age 42.
  5. Sarah Johnson, born abt. 1858 in , NC. MARRIAGE: There is a marriage listed in Yancey Co, NC between Thomas Peniz, age 25, and Sarah Jane Johnson, age 18, May 1879. The Briggs family were witnesses. Unsure if this is the correct Sarah CENSUS: 1880 US Census, Madison Co, NC, Upper Laurel Twp #11, family #65, Thomas Penix, age 25 and wife Sarah J., age 20. Good fit, but not sure if correct Sarah.
  6. Jackson Johnson, born abt. 1860 in , NC. CENSUS: 1880 US Census, Madison Co., NC, Marshall Twp., ED# 123, Family #194 of James Rector. Jack Johnson, age 22, single, is a hired hand.
  7. William Johnson, born abt. 1862 in , NC. CENSUS: 1880 US Census, Madison Co, NC, ED #123, page 11, #97-98. Wm. is enumerated in the household of his sister Jane Marrow. Wm. Johnson (Jane’s brother, age 19) is a work hand. 1910 US Census, Haywood Co, Canton, NC, ED #57, #36, SOUNDEX ONLY, NEED CENSUS. Wife Emma, age 40, son George H, age 21 and niece Ruth M. Smather, age 9 are living with the family. Good fit, but not sure if the correct person. 1920 US Census, Haywood Co, NC, Vol. 46, ED #66, sheet 5, line 13, lists William H Johnson, age 58, wife Emma J Johnson, age 58 and niece Ruth Johnson, age 18. This is a good fit, but not sure if this is the right guy. (Soundex only, need copy of census)

Generation 2

3. James Leonard Johnson (Nathan A.1), born 11 May 1851 in , Madison, NC; died 24 Jul 1914; buried Jul 1914 in Walnut cem, Walnut, Madison, NC. He married on 19 Aug 1875 in , Madison, NC, Harriett Samantha Wardrep, born 20 Jun 1857 in , Madison, NC; died 6 Jul 1908; buried Jul 1908 in Walnut cem, Walnut, Madison, NC, daughter of Edward (Ned) Wardrep [549] and Nancy Robinson [550].
Notes for James Leonard JOHNSON: BIRTH: 1900 Census and Tombstone; CENSUS: 1880 US Census, Madison Co., NC, Marshall Twp, Vol. 14, ED# 123, sheet 4, line 9, given as ‘Lemul’. 1900 US Census, Madison County, NC, Marshall Twp, T623, roll 1205, E.D. 73, sheet 17A, line 17, occupation: farmer 1910 US Census, Madison Co., NC, Marshall Twp., Barnard Road, ED #83, family #43, given as ‘Len Joe Johnson’. Cannot read or write. Occupation: farmer MARRIAGE: Marriage record, Madison County Courthouse, Marshall, NC, book #1, S. C. Robinson is listed as a witness to the marriage. This is probably Nancy’s uncle, Samuel C. Robinson. OCCUPATION: Farmer; DEATH: Tombstone & obit ‘Mr. Len Johnson, died week before last. He was a good citizen & highly respected by all who knew him. He leaves a big family of children’, THE NEWS RECORD, Marshall, Madison Co, NC, Friday, 7 Aug 1914, at Marshall library.
Notes for Harriett Samantha WARDREP: BIRTH: Tombstone CORRESPONDENCE: Letter from Annie Mae Johnson Machin postmarked 26 Jan 1979, ‘Samanth as my mother was called, was said to be the most beautiful girl in the county. She could spell a word she never heard until you asked her to spell it. She was a seamstress by profession. All who knew her called her blessed. Older people would tell me when I got back home she was the best person who ever lived. She got all of this from her father.’ PROPERTY: “The News-Record‘ of Marshall, NC, 15 Dec 1911, pg 4, column 5. ‘Notice of Execution Sale’, describes land purchased from G. W. Wardrop (Samantha’s brother) by Samantha Johnson, deceased … subject to the life estate of J. L. (husband James Leonard?) Johnson. Sam Johnson is named in a lawsuit. Could this be son, Samuel?
DEATH: Tombstone
Children of James Leonard JOHNSON and Harriett Samantha WARDREP were as follows:

  1. Cebastian Fernando Johnson, born 26 Jun 1876 in Parrott Hill, Walnut, Madison, NC; died 14 Apr 1939 in Asheville, Buncombe, NC; buried 16 Apr 1939 in Walnut cem, Walnut, Madison, NC. BIRTH: Son James Robert’s birth cert., Madison County Courthouse, Marshall, N.C., delayed birth records, Vol. 5, pg 46 (Death certificate gives date of birth as 4 Jun 1876) MARRIAGE: marriage register, female A-K, Apr 1851 – Dec 1937 Buncombe Co, NC, Buncombe County Courthouse, Asheville, NC. Minnie BRANK witnessed the wedding. CENSUS: 1900 US Census, Madison County, NC, Marshall Twp, T623, roll 1205, E.D. 73, sheet 19A, line 14, occupation: farmer. Living next to 46 year old (b 1854) Robert Johnson. Who is Robert? 1920 US Census, Madison County, NC, Marshall Twp, T625, roll 1294, E.D. 119, sheet 4A, line 41, occupation: farmer. Widowed aunt, Jane Marrow, age 71 is living with the family. OCCUPATION: Letter from Annie Mae Johnson Machin, dated 26 Jan 1979. ‘My oldest brother (CF) was a road builder. He was foreman for all the roads built in the National Forest west of here going into Tennessee – also road going down to Marshall from Asheville, not the new super highway.’ Ronda Nallenweg has photo of CF and his crew building a road. The 3 Jan 1930 issue of the ‘News Record’ of Marshall, pg 6, states ‘Mr. CF Johnson returned to Robinsville (Robbinsville, Graham Co, in extreme Western NC) Sunday after spending his vacation with home folks’. He may have been in Robbinsville building roads. DEATH: death cert., Buncombe county courthouse, clerk’s office, Asheville, NC, #012-032-001E, book 26, pg 268. Cause of death was internal obstruction caused by injury from being struck by a plow.
  2. Nancy Valeria Johnson, born 9 Dec 1877 in Madison, NC. CORRESPONDENCE: Letter from Annie Mae Johnson Machin 26 Jan 1979, ‘The girls all married and had families. Valeria had two boys; both could sing beautifully. Her husband was either Grace Moore’s father or brother or uncle – have forgotten which. They always sang for President Taft when he would go to Cincinnati. They would send us copies of their music. Valeria lost three beautiful girls around the age of six. Bell’s two children could sing, but not so well as Valeria’s. Three of my brothers had beautiful tenor voices.’ MARRIAGE: Madison Co, NC Marriage Register, date of license 16 Oct 1894. Mont is 27 years old and Valeria is 18. F.(?) C. Johnson and E.(?) B. Waldrup witnessed the wedding.
  3. George Washington Johnson, born 31 Aug 1879 in Madison, NC; died Feb 1927. OCCUPATION: Letter from Annie Mae Johnson Machin postmarked 26 Jan 1979, ‘George was a builder of houses’. CENSUS: 1910 US Census, Madison Co, NC, Walnut, Church Street, ED #83, sheet 15B, #29-30, shows shows George Johnson, age 31, occupation: carpenter, and his wife of 6 years, Julia H. Julia has had 2 children, but none are still living. 1920 US Census, Buncombe Co, NC, Vol. 10, ED #22, sheet 11A, line 20, George Johnson, age 40, living in Asheville on Westwood Place (street) with wife Julia, age 33, and 3 children.
  4. Samuel Edward Johnson, born 14 Sep 1881 in Madison, NC. OCCUPATION: Letter from Annie Mae Johnson Machin postmarked 26 Jan 1979, ‘ Sam was a machinist; he invented the automatic control for changing records on record machines. But Edison did him out of it. He was working for Edison at the time. He built it on his own time away from the shop. He did not know when he went to work for Edison that he signed a contract to turn any invention over to Edison. He also invented something about coupling railroad cars together.’ MARRIAGE: Madison Co, NC Marriage Register gives a marriage between Samuel Johnson (age 22) and Maggie Southerland (age 19). Date of license 20 June 1903. Date of marriage 21 June 1903. Not sure if this is our Samuel, but it is a good fit. CENSUS: 1910 US Census, Forsyth Co, Winston, NC, ED #70, #129, SOUNDEX ONLY, NEED CENSUS. Not sure if correct person, but good fit. Samuel E. Johnson, age 27, wife Maggie A, age 29 and family. PROPERTY: “The News-Record‘ of Marshall, NC, 15 Dec 1911, pg 4, column 5. ‘Notice of Execution Sale’, describes land purchased from G. W. Wardrop (Samantha’s brother) by Samantha Johnson, deceased … subject to the life estate of J. L. (husband James Leonard?) Johnson. Sam Johnson is named in a lawsuit. Could this be son, Samuel?
  5. Hester Belle Johnson, born 22 Jul 1883 in Walnut, Madison, NC. BIRTH: Delayed Birth certificate, Madison County Courthouse, Marshall, NC MARRIAGE: Madison Co, NC Marriage Register, date of license 20 Apr 1904. J. W. is 43 years old and Belle is 20. CENSUS: 1910 US Census, Madison Co, NC, ED #83, sheet 3B, family #44, Belle is a widow living next to her father on Barnard Road. 1920 US Census, Buncombe Co, NC, Vol. 10, ED #21, sheet 8A, line 8, Hester B. Misner, age 36 living in Asheville as a boarder in the home of Edgar Nicholson. Children Viola and John are with her. RESIDENCE: Joan Caldwell said 4/99 that Belle lived in the Raleigh area.
  6. Mamie Sue Johnson, born 25 Nov 1885 in Madison, NC; died 1 Jun 1956. CORRESPONDENCE: Letter from Annie Mae Johnson Machin 26 Jan 1979, ‘All Mamie’s girls and boy except one girl worked at Oak Ridge, TN where they made the atomic bomb. They were all secretaries. One of her girls worked in the library. She knew they were making the atom bomb – also knew when it was to be dropped over Japan. Of course she dare not tell until it was reported by the President. Do not tell me a girl cannot keep a secret.’
  7. Eulan Brank Johnson, born 25 Nov 1885 in Madison, NC. OCCUPATION: Letter from Annie Mae Johnson Machin postmarked 26 Jan 1979, ‘Brank was a builder’. In 1910 census (enumerated with father, Len), Brank’s occupation is listed as carpenter. MARRIAGE: Madison Co, NC Marriage Register gives a marriage between E. B. Johnson (age 24 of Barnard) and Rachel Randall (age 22 of Worley). Date of license 19 Nov 1910. Date of marriage 20 Nov 1910. Not sure if this is Eulan Brank, but it is a good fit. CENSUS: 1910 US Census, Madison Co, NC. Enumerated with father. Brank is a carpenter.
  8. James Robert Johnson, born 1 Feb 1888 in Madison, NC; died 12 Apr 1911; buried in Walnut cem, Walnut, Madison, NC. BIRTH: Tombstone OCCUPATION: Letter from Annie Mae Johnson Machin postmarked 26 Jan 1979, ‘Robert was a telegraph operator. He died in his early twenties.’ CENSUS: 1910 US Census, Madison Co, NC, ED #79, #242. Not sure if correct person. James N. Johnson, age 24, wife Dicie, age 21 and son, Paul, age 2. James is a farmer. This does not match the occupation given above. DEATH: Tombstone
  9. Stella Myrtle Johnson, born 2 Apr 1890 in Madison, NC; died 13 Aug 1892.
  10. Hattie Johnson, born 25 Feb 1892 in Madison, NC; died Nov 1971. BIRTH: SSN Death index DEATH: SSN Death index, residence: Seattle, WA. Note that her brother, Paul, also lived in Seattle.
  11. Annie Mae Johnson, born 12 Apr 1894 in Madison, NC; died 17 Apr 1988. BIRTH: SSN Death index; DEATH: SSN Death index, residence: Asheville, Buncombe Co, NC CORRESPONDENCE: Letter from Annie Mae Johnson Machin, postmarked 26 Jan 1979, ‘Am enclosing names of my girls: Annie Katherine, Pauline Gertrude, Edna Mae, Virginia Dare. Katherine was almost 2 when we lost her. Edna was almost 5. Pauline married Henry Harney. You know their story.’
  12. Kosey Buren Johnson, born 12 Feb 1896 in , Madison, NC; died 20 Jan 1975 in VA Hospital, Oteen, Buncombe, NC; buried 22 Jan 1975 in Locust Grove cem, Weaverville, NC. BIRTH: Madison County Courthouse, Marshall, NC, birth index, Vol. 20, pg 187. SSN death index gives DOB as 2 Feb 1896 OCCUPATION: Letter from Annie Mae Johnson Machin postmarked 26 Jan 1979, ‘Kosy was a mechanic’. RESIDENCE: Joan Caldwell said 4/99 that Kosey was a preacher who lived in Weaverville. DEATH: Death certificate, Buncombe County Courthouse, Asheville, NC, Vol. 60, pg 66, Cause of Death: Bronchogenic Carcinoma. Also, SSN death index, residence: Barnardsville, Buncombe Co, NC
  13. Joseph Franklin Johnson, born 26 Jun 1898 in Madison, NC; died 29 Jun 1898.
  14. Andrew Boydston Johnson, born 26 Jun 1898 in Madison, NC; died 10 Sep 1971. BIRTH: SSN Death index gives DOB as 22 Oct 1898 DEATH: SSN Death index, residence: Amherst, Amherst Co, VA EDUCATION: ‘The News Record’ of Marshall, Madison Co, NC, 5 Sep 1913, ‘Honor Roll of Walnut School, 6th grade – Boydston Johnston’. OCCUPATION: Letter from Annie Mae Johnson Machin postmarked 26 Jan 1979, ‘Boydston was a manager of A & P stores, but to Gov. in Norfolk Navy as a policeman…. Boydston has three nice boys. Working for Uncle Sam in Portsmouth, VA… One of Boydston’s boys owns a pawnshop and clothing store in Portsmouth. One girl married a welder and lives in Anchorage. One married a Captain in the marines. One married a fireman in Norfolk.’
  15. Paul Warren Johnson, born 12 Sep 1901 in , Madison, NC; died 20 Jan 1973. BIRTH: Madison County Courthouse, Marshall, NC, birth index, Vol. 1, pg 296. Also, SSN death index. OCCUPATION: Letter from Annie Mae Johnson Machin 26 Jan 1979, ‘Paul was a seaman – was chief engineer on ships. He served in both World Wars I and II. Boydston and Kosy were in World
    War I. DEATH: SSN Death index, residence: Seattle, King, WA. Note that his sister Hattie Ham also lived in Seattle.

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