from ALOB, Vol. VII #2, p. 86-15:
“p. 33. 9 June 1833.. I, Edward Huggins, being infirm in body, but of sound mind & memory. I will unto my beloved wife Jane Huggins one work horse & all farming tools belonging to me, also three cows & one heifer, all stock of hogs, one bed & furniture, she to have full possession of my land on which I now live, with the household & kitchen furniture, except what is hereafter devised. I also will that my wife Jane to have my black girl Jane until my youngest son Edward E. Huggins comes of age, then said black girl to be sold and the money equally divided between my four dtrs. viz. Jane, Sarah, Tabitha & Cyntha.
I will unto my son-in-law Jesse Merrell in right of his wife Susannah $50 12 months after the proving of this will.
I will unto my dtr. Jane one bed & furniture belonging thereto also one cow and $50 in money.
I will unto my dtr. Sarah one bed & furniture belonging also one cow and $100 in money.
I will unto my dtr. Tabitha one bed & furniture belonging also one cow and $50 in money.
I will unto my dtr. Cyntha one bed & furniture belonging also one colt and one cow and $100 in money.
I will unto my son Josiah H. Huggins one third of my land at the death of his mother, also $100 in money and one rifle gun.
I will unto my son John B. Huggins (??) ” of which I die seized and possessed at the death of their mother also $100 in money.
I will unto my son Edward E. Huggins one third of all my land of which I died possessed at the death of their mother also $100 in money.
I will that my still & vessels be under control of my executors so as to keep it on the farm for the use of the family. The residue of my estate to be disposed of as my executors may think best, with the money equally divided between my wife & her seven chn. now with her, viz: Jane, Sarah, Tabitha, Cintha, Josiah, John, and Edward..
I appoint Jessee Merrell & Jane Huggans my wife executors..
Wit; B. King & H.P. McBrayer..
Signed Edward X Huggans..
Executrix qualified.. Proved in open Court by B. King this January Session 1835.”
Huggins, Edward
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