Hawkins, Rachel

from ALOB, Vol. VII #2, p. 86-14:
“p. 27,  29 Aug. 1833.  I, Rachel Hawkins, widow of Robert Hawkins, decd. Being sick and weak in body though sound and perfect in mind & memory. Whereas my beloved friend Jacob Martin promises and agrees in case of my decease to adopt my three children, James Martin, Harriet & Robert into his family & raise them in a decent manner.
I give my estate or property of five head of cattle, one mare, three head of sheep, seven head of hogs and all my other property except my two beds and household furniture, I direct to be kept by my friend Jacob Martin until my dtr. Harriet Jane shall arrive of age 18 yrs. then to be delivered over to her.  My friend Jacob Martin shall have all money, or debts due to me for raising & schooling my children.. 
I apoint my friend Jacob Martin as my executor. 
Wit; James Gudger.. 
Signed, Rachel X Hawkins. 
Executor qualified
7 Jan. 1834 in open Court..  The foregoing will was proved in the Jan. Court by James Gudger..”

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