Harriss, Abel

ALOB, Vol. XI #6, p. 90-53:
“p. 219.  15 Aug 1860..  I, Abel Harriss of Buncombe Co. being of sound mind & memory..  First after my death my body to be decently buried and all my funeral expenses also all my just debts paid..  I will my dtr. Paggy[sic] Ashworth my negro named Boy Sampson, and to my son Wesley Harriss my boy Ellick, and to my dtr. Ann E. Davidson my boy Lewis to and their heirs forever..  I give to my dtr. Susan S. Brevarde all that tract of land I bought from J.W. Harris lying on Swannanoa River to her & her heirs forever..  I will to my two youngest sons named Abel F. Harris and Thomas L. Harris all my home place & all the land joining, encluding[sic] the land I bought from N. Foster, to be equally divided between them..  Lastly I give to my wife Elizabeth Harris my negro woman Nancy, with the use of the house to live in during her life and be supported by my last two named sons and if they do not comply she to have as much land laid off to her for her support from the plantation, I also give her a cow & calf as she may choose, one bed and bedding, the cupboard & kitchen furniture..  I want all the rest of the property to be sold & equally divided amongst my heirs..
I appoint my friend W.F. Davidson as my executor..
Wit:  Wm. M. Porter & W.H. Porter..
Signed; Abel X Harris

—- CODICIL—-  I, Abel Harrie[sis], do this 8th day of April 1863 do make this as a codicil to my last will & testament previously made & hereto attached.  As my son Abel F. Harris has died after I made my last will & leaving no heirs, I wish my executor to sell all the land that would have been allotted to him to the highest bidder on a credit of one or two years & the proceeds equally divided amongest all my heirs to share & share alike.. I also desire that my wife Elizabeth Harris to have a certain man known as Frank Ware, and should said Ware die before I do, she to have another of equal value from the estate..  I also will to my wife one bed and its necessary furniture.
Wit:  John Burgin & James P. Wilson..
Sgn. Abel X Harris.”

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