from ALOB, Vol. VII #2, p. 86-13:
“page 25. August Session 1833.. 19 Aug. 1831, I William Gudger, Senr. Being of sound mind and perfect memory. I give unto my loving wife Martha the upper end of the plantation on which I now live, so far down as to include my dwelling house and the spring below the house & the apple orchard in the bottom during her natural life. After her decease to be divided among my dtrs. & my oldest son James and including the heirs of my dtr. Mary Gash, decd. except her oldest son Joseph whom I have provided for, the said chn. or heirs to receive jointly one sixth part of my estate not disposed of by this will.
I give unto my wife all my household furniture, one horse, two cows, all the money or notes I may have at my decease. This last property I vest in her absolute to despose[sic] of as she may think proper, having provided certain negroes to her during her natural life. I direct the balance of my estate both real and personal to be sold & the proceeds divided among my dtrs. Stacy Longmire wife of John Longmire, Nancy Gash wife of John Gash and the heirs of Mary Gash, decd. Joseph excepted, said heirs of Mary Gash jointly an equal share or one sixth part and James Gudger, Sally Whitson wife of Joseph Whitson, Elizabeth Whitson wife of Thomas Whitson each an equal share or one sixth part of my estate.
I appoint my oldest son James Gudger & my second son William Gudger my executors.
Wit; Thos. Love.. May 13, 1833.
This day William Gudger Senr. acknowledge the signing and sealing, this will in my presence. Sgn. Joseph Henry..
Signed, William Gudger..
Proved in open Court on oath of Thomas Love & Joseph Henry & ordered recorded. William Gudger came into open Court and was duly
Gudger, William, Senr.
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