Garren, John

ALOB, Vol. VIII #9, p. 87-131 & Vol. VIII #10, p. 87-150:
“p. 90.  2 March 1840..  I, John Garren, being of sound mind and memory. After my just [debts?] are paid, to my son-in-law John Merrell I leave one dollar, to my son-in-law Jacob Rhodes I leave one dollar, to my son-in-law David Pinkson[sic] I leave one dollar, to my son David Garren I leave one dollar, to my son Eli Garren I leave one dollar, to my son Joseph Garren I leave one dollar the above named having already received a portion of my estate.  To my son-in-law and daughter John and Jane Price a part of the land where I now live, to be taken from the upper line as described, the old mill race, Jacob Rhode’s spring branch, Old Field branch, Liners Line, George Williams Crossing, etc. worth about $130.  To my beloved wife Hannah I leave all the land and possession except what I gave John and Jane Price during her life time or widowhood also all other property except $130 worth which is to include the waggon[sic] and other property that can be spared, which I leave to James and Mary Pinkerton.  I leave to my two youngest daughters Dicy and Rebecca each two beds & furniture two cows and calves and the bureau and Rebecca the cubbord[sic], if any property remain to equally divided among my four youngest dtrs. Nancy Pinkerton, Jane Price and Dicy and Rebecca.  The land left to my wife to be divided at her death between my two youngest dtrs.
I appoint my two sons David and Eli Garren executors. 
Wit; Jacob Reed and Alexander Merrell, Jurat. 
Signed John X Garren.. 
July term 1843.  the foregoing will was proven in open court by oath of Alexander Merrell.  N.
Harrison, Clk.  By Thos. L. Gaston, DC.”

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