ALOB, Vol. X #2, p. 89-16:
“p. 125. 2 April 1847 — I, Isham Edwards, being of sound mind & in feeble health believe that my final destination is not far distance.. I give to my beloved wife Polly Edwards during her natural life or widowhood and then my land may be divided among my four sons viz: William M., James, John & Isham Edwards, Jr. & they are to pay the balance of my chn. so as to make them all equal & after the payment of my debts, I desire that my wife to have all cash on hand & all debts due to me collected. I desire also that all care to be taken so as not to waste my property. After the death of my wife my land to be given to my four sons viz: William to have the part above the meeting house & known as Jeremiah Redman land & James to have the part at the upper end next where W.M. Peek & my two little boys to have their part where my houses stand. My land divided between my four boys so as to make them equal in value, they are to pay to their brother David and six girls so as to make them all equal (sic)
(no executor named)
Wit: J.W. Peek, Juratt & James Cody, Juratt.
Signed Isham X Edwards..
Proved in open court by the oath of J.W. Peed & James Cody.. this July Term 1847.. Alex. Henry….”
Edwards, Isham
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