ALOB, Vol. VIII #5, p. 87-72:
“p. 46. 26 Jan. 1837.. I, Elizabeth Edmons, being in my proper mind but low in health and weak in body. After my just debts are paid, I will unto my dtr. Susannah Barrett $7.80 which my son owes me. I will unto my son William $1. I will unto my dtr. Polly Arrowood $1. I will unto my son George Edmons $1. I will that one black cow & heifer that goes by the name of George Edmons to be given to my son George Edmons dtr. Mary Ann Elizabeth. I will unto my son John Edmons $1. I will unto my son Robert Edmons one black mare. I will my blind mare to my dtrs. Anny & Caty Edmons to be shared between them. The balance of my stock to be divided among my chn. Robert, Anny & Caty Edmons. I will that my dtr. Anna Edmons have the loom & two bee hives that is where Robert & Anna now lives. I will unto my dtr. Caty the household furniture that I have at the mill where I now live. I will the tract of land to my three chn. To wit. Anna, Robert and Caty Edmons.. I appoint Robert Williamson, Esq. and William Chambers as excutors.
Wit; John Chambers & Afa Meers..
Signed Elizabeth X Edmons..
Will proved in open court on oath of Witnesses, and executors sworn. County Court Feb. Spring Session 1837…”
Edmons, Elizabeth
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