from ALOB, Vol. VII, #1, p. 86-6:
“p. 11. 11 March 1830.. I, Joseph Cole, being of sound mind & perfect memory. I wish as much of my affects sold as to pay my just debts.
I give unto my wife Susannah Cole possession of the farm whereon I now live, containing 200 acres during her widowhood or until my younges[sic] son come of the age of twenty one yrs. with the stock of grain at my death.
I give unto my oldest son James Cole 200 acres of land joining the land whereon I now live, above the creek.
I give unto my youngest son Lewis Cole the farm whereon I now live, to take possession when of age, or rented out for his use, provided my wife should marry or leave the place.
I give unto George Cole, son of James Cole (and nephew) one horse, saddle & bridle, worth $50. provided he stays with the family until of age, or if not nothing.. I give unto Nancy Cole dtr. of James Cole (and neice) one cow & calf and wheel, one bed provided she stays with the family until she is 18 yrs., if not nothing..
I give the residue of my land, 250 acres on the head of Turkey Creek, 50 acres of Newfound on the South side of the creek and joining Brooks land, and 100 acres called the Underwood place, with all my personal property to be sold and equally divided among my wife & children and Daniel Frisby to share equally with the heirs. The balance of the land to be rented out for the use of the family. I appoint my friend John Thrash executor..
Wit: Josiah Frisby, John Cole & Joseph Cole..
Signed, Joseph Cole.. Proved on oath of Josiah Frisby and John thrash was duly sworn..”
Cole, Joseph
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