In the name of GOD, amen. I, Joseph Warren Clapp of West Asheville in the County of Buncombe near Asheville, State of North Carolina being in good mental and physical health but considering the frailty and uncertainty of human life and being desirous of directing how the property with which GOD has blessed me, shall be disposed of after my decease do now therefore deem it expedient and proper to make and publish this my last will and testament … to my beloved wife, Mary Bassett Clapp.
In testimony whereof, I the said, Joseph Warren Clapp have set my name and affixed my seal this the eighteenth day of April in the year of our Lord, One thousand Eight hundred and Ninety-Eight.
Signed: Joseph W. Clapp
Witnessed by: George F. Scott
H. Hawkins
Severally sworn and subscribed this the 18th day of April 1900, Marcus Erwin, CSC.
Clapp, Joseph Warren
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