Buckner Family Bible Records

Bible Records of the Buckner Family
transcribed by Bettie Albright
These records were submitted by Walter Craig Davidson, 1309 E. Brown St., Llano, Texas 78643-2405 [ there is no date indicating when this was submitted – Bettie Albright]
  “The 1823 Bible that begins on page 2, and the 1822 Bible that begins on page 11, are bound as one volume. It is in the possession of Mrs. Dorothy Elise Ebbs Daugherty, Jr., Buckner descendent, of Akins, SC. The pages copied here as having been written by hand, on plain paper, are actually sewn into the Bible by heavy thread forces through some 20 pages. When and by whom this was done is a matter of conjecture, but it seems evident that it was many years ago.
  The 1881 Bible that begins on pate 17, is in the possession of Mrs. Katherine Louise Ebbs Warren of Horseshoe, NC. Mrs. Warren and Mrs. Daughherty are sister. They descend from the Buckners through Ida Eloise Buckner Ebbs, daughter of Stephen Morgan Buckner and his wife Louisa Jane Kuykendahl. Stephen Morgan Buckner, who was a son of John Buckner, of Burke Co. NC.
  It was this Eloise Buckner Ebbs (E. B Ebbs) who copied the Buckner family information shown in her handwriting on page 15. She added the name of John, correctly, I believe, the death entry at the top of page 8, where several entries give only the relationship w/o a name.”

First Bible – Old and New Testaments – 1823
Page 1:
Jas. Buckner was born Oct. 5, 1805 (?) 
Larry (?) Buckner was born May the 11th 1817 
Polly Malinda Buckner was born Sept the 18th 1885. 
Henery G. Buckner was born March the 14th 1840 
Jenny Matilda Buckner was born August 16th ???
[All of these names and dates were difficult to read due to a poor copy in the files] 
Page 2:
Stephen Morgan Buckner was born April 2, 1847 
Stephen M. Buckner – Louisa J. Kuykendahl were married February 13, 1870
Sallie A. Buckner was born march 30, 1871
Lavina H. Buckner was born October 2, 1872
Polly L Buckner was born March 10, 1874
Emmitt F. Buckner was born January 8, 1876
Page 3:
James M. Buckner was born November 6, 1877.
Susanah Buckner was born October 5, 1879
Ida Eloise Buckner was born April 29, 1882
Page 4:
Stephen Garfield Buckner was born may 13, 1884.
Lula Delano Buckner was born April 5, 1888
Stephen M. Buckner died April 14, 1914.
This record coppied (sic) from the record written by S. M. Buckner – this Aug.21, 1915
Page 5: ( the following records are copied exactly as the author wrote – Bettie Albright)
James A Buckner and Susaner Buckner was marred Sytember the 25th 1832
H. R. Buckner was born August the 14th 1833
Polly M. Buckner was born Sytember the 14th 1835
Martha Jane Buckner was born Decemter the 23rd 1837
Ninavah G. Buckner was born March (?) 14th 1840
Page 6:
Suaney Matilday buckner [sic] was bornd August the 26th 1843
James R. Buckner was bornd December the 26th 1844
Stephen M. Buckner was bornd April the 2nd 1847.
Henry G. Buckner was bornd March the ?, 1850
Susanah ? Louise Buckner was borned April the 24th 1855.
Kelsey M. C. Buckner was bornd October the 24th 1857
Emily Loretter Buckner was bornd August the 7th 1862.
Sally Caroline& (unreadable) was born August the ? 1864. Sally Caroline Buckner died on the ? Day of May 19??
Page 7:
[The following transcription is copied as the author wrote it – author not acknowledged. — B.A.]
My Farther Deicst June the 8th 1854.
Mother Buckner Deicst June the 8th 1822
G Grfather did in Georga
Susy Buckner deid April the 4th 1878
Jet Buckner died November the 17 1891
Janelle Chernsuy Child was bornd December the 7th 1861
Jances Sherman Boon was bornd Feberuary 23, 1967
Page 8:
Polly M. Buckner was taken sick on the 4th of July 1852 and decest [sic]the 22nd of August 52.
Robert Adolphis Robertes was bornd January the 8th 1860
Augustice Filmore Buckner was borndJan the 1st 1862.
? Buckner was ? October 23rd 1864.
Page 9:
Got Buckner ws born October the 5th 1806
Susanah Buckner was born May the 11th 1817
[There is a note at the bottom of the page which reads: “these names was all (unreadable) by JA Buckner on the day he has own [Unreadable]. 
The opposite page is unreadable except for the date October 29th 1796 and the words she died June 14th 1845.]
Second Bible – New Testament 1822
Page 1:
James Robert Buckner was born the 26th of December 1844

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