Baird, Julia M.

“On the 28th inst., near Asheville, N.C., at the residence of her mother, Miss Julia M. Baird, in the sixteenth year of her age. In the death of this young Lady we have a melancholy illustration of the uncertainty of human life. She left the college on Friday evening in perfect health. On Sabbath, though somewhat indisposed, she attended Sabbath _____[not readable] and public worship, as usual. On Monday she was worse, the week passed and no improvement, another week found her in the grave. On Sabbath last the funeral exercises were conducted by Rev. A.W. Cummings, D.D., in the presence of a large and solemn audience, embracing the Faculty and Students of the College, who with the bereaved family, deeply feel this afflictive providence. Her mental endowments were of a high order, which, combined with her generous, affectionate disposition, promised for her a brilliant and useful career. How suddenly are the plans and hopes of her friends blasted. In the midst of her preparations for life death came, but she was ready. Her work was done and Heaven claimed her. She is now at rest. God grant to the widowed mother, and the entire family, all needful grace in this sad bereavement.”

from “Asheville Spectator,” Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina, Sept. 3, 1858, Thursday:

from Aslund’s “Cemetery Inscriptions”

Old Weaverville Cemetery, Weaverville, N.C.
“Hannah Eliza Baird
b. June 28, 1846
d. May 16, 1928″
“W.R. Baird
b. Nov. 11, 1804
d. Dec. 11, 1883
[member of M.E. Church South]
“Dr. Elisha Baird
b. Aug. 20, 1847
d. Nov. 7, 1896″
“Harriet L. Baird
b. Nov. 9, 1852
d. Aug. 10, 1931
“John Reagan Baird
b. Feb. 10, 1861
d. Aug. 30, 1904″
“Mollie J. Baird
b. Apr. 2, 1850
d. May 11, 1918
“Margaret K. “Kittie” Baird
b. July 11, 1858
d. Oct. 15, 1954
“Mary E. Baird
b. Oct. 15, 1878
d. Oct. 29, 1960
“Zebulon H. Baird
b. Mar. 7, 1853
d. June 12, 1937″
“Maggie Baird
b. May 31, 1872
d. Nov. 9, 1955
[my mother]”
“Elizabeth Baird
d/o Z.H. & Maggie Baird
d. Sept. 25, 1907
d. July 7, 1911″
“Christina L. Baird
b. Jan. 15, 1823
d. Oct. 27, 1861
[member of M.E. Church South]”
“Susan E. Baird
b. Nov. 13, 1855
d. May 23, 1860″
“James B. Baird
b. Feb. 11, 1843
d. at Tullahoma, Tn. 60 Reg.
May 13, 1863″

“Bedent Baird
d. July 12, 1839
72 yr. 6 mo.
[member of Meth. Church
36 yr.]”

Alexander Chapel United Methodist Church

Weaverville, N.C.
“Joseph C. Baird
b. May 12, 1812
d. June 10, 1888
76 yr. 29 da.
“Rebecca Baird
w/o Joseph C. Baird
b. May 9, 1831
d. Jan. 27, 1894″


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