Austin/McIntyre Family Bible

The Austin/McIntyre Family Bible
” … We only have copies of these pages from the original Bible that were sent to us by Carl Pettit, husband of Bessie May McIntyre.  We don’t know who had the Bible at the time he sent it to us in the late 1970s.  As far as we know, [all] the information”  … [is} “from the same Bible.  It contains information on McIntyres, Austins, Meltons and Ducketts.  The following information was copied from an Austin/McIntyre family Bible. I have copied it as is, with mispellings of names and other words:

  Certificate of Marriage:
     This certifies that the rite of Holy Matrimony was celebrated between W.H. Austin of South Carolina and Mary F. Bame of North Carolina on September 11, 1871 at the home of the bride  by Rev. Phillips.

     W.H. Austin Born Feb 17, 1850.
     M. P. Austin Born [unreadable] 4, 1850.
     Mary M. Austin Born Aug. 3, 1872.
     Anna Austin Born April 8, 1874.
     W.B. Austin Born November 2, 1875.
     Tempie A. Austin Born September 17, 1877.
     Pascal T. Austin Born June 5, 1880.
     Ella G. Austin Born November 17, 1882.
     Ada Burr Austin Born Sept 18, 1886.
     Loyd Ray McIntyre was born August 12, 1892.
     Bearden Elmore McIntyre was born April 28, 1893.
     Henry Clifford Austin Born February 26, 1893.
     Andy M. Duckett Born February [unreadable] 1893.
     Ethel M. Duckett Born December 20, 1894.
     Bessie May McIntyre was born August 20, 1895.
     Glenn Lee McIntyre was born April 7, 1897.
     Pearl McIntyre was born August 5, 1899.
     Mary Lottie McIntyre was born March 30, 1901.
     Paul McIntyre was born July 22, 1903.
     Ralph McIntyre was born July 13, 1905.
     Nena Agnes McIntyre was born July 27, 1907.
     Blake D. Austin Born August [unreadable].
     Wanda Maurine Duckett Born May 14, 1926.

     W.H. Austin and M.F. Bain was married Sept. 14th, 1871
     Anna Austin and W.A. McEntire married June 9, 1889.
     W.A. McIntyre and Anna Austin were married on June 9, 1889.
     Mary M. Austin & John W. Duckett was married Oct 5, 1890.
     Tempie Austin & David Melton was married Oct 17, 1897.
     W.B. Austin and S.E. Go[unreadable]rell was married Feb. 13, 1898.
     Ella G. Austin and W. L. Knight were married April 13, 1902.
     P.T. Austin and Connie Staut [or Stant] were married June 12, 1910.
     R.C. Smith and Ada Austin was married Dec. 18, 1912.
     R.T. McIntyre and Clyde Cannon were married on August 17, 1913.
     Bessie McIntrye and Carl. E. Pettit were married on June 24, 1916.

     Bearden Elmore McIntyre died October 1893.
     Henry G. Austin Died Nov. 3, 1894.
     M. Malindy Duckett Died Jan. 15, 1895.
     Ethel M. Duckett Died June 26, 1895.
     Pearl McIntyre died September 1899.
     Elva M. Melton Died Nov. 25, 1901.
     William Bearden Austin Died April 7, 1922.
     Mary F. Austin Died March 4th, 1929.
     W. H. Austin Died Dec. 6, 1935.
     P.T. Austin Died July 22, 1955.
     Ada Austin Smith Died Sept. 20, 1955.
     John W. Duckett Died April 13, 1956.
     Anna Austin [McIntyre] Davis Died Dec. 7, 1956.
     Tempy Austin Melton Died Nov. 17, 1966.
     Audry Madge Duckett Died Feb. 26, 1971
     Lloyd Ray McIntyre died January 29, 1978.

Thanks for letting me share these.  I hope it helps others and helps me connect with other relatives!  Sincerely, Elizabeth Shaw, daughter of Catherine Lucille McIntyre

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