ALOB, Vol. XI #7, p. 90-64:
“p. 230.. 20 May 1861.. I, Lorenzo D. Alexander of Buncombe County, being in good health and sound mind & memory, do make this as my last will and testament.. All property both real and personal or mixed which I may die possessed of, I devise, bequeath and transfer in the manner following.. I give to my beloved father James Alexander the following property to wit; All that tract of land where my father now lives, lying on the waters of South Turkey Creek, joining lands of Charles West, R.P. Wells, Johnathan Wilson & others containing 205 acres more or less, also the following stock, three mules, all the cattle, and hoggs[sic] & sheep, also all corn, wheat, bacan[sic], waggons[sic] & tools. This will does not conflict with the deed secured by me from James Alexander the 26 June 1856 during my life time..
Wit; W.E. Allen, E.R. Allen & W.L.L.Rynolds..
Signed L.D. Alexander..
Probate June 1864..”
Alexander, Lorenzo D.
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